martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


This is the best festival of the indian calendar.!

Holi is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as 'Holika'. The festivals finds a detailed description in early religious works. Historians also believe that Holi was celebrated by all Aryans but more so in the Eastern part of India.

In Holi celebrates the arrival of spring and drink 'bhang', a drink made from the leaves of marijuana which tradition is a gift of god Shiva 

Colours will fill the atmosphere as people throw abeer and gulal in the air showing great joy and mirth in the arrival of this Spring Festival. 

Holi Calendar

Just at the beginning of the year , people start looking for the HOLI date in their Calendar.This year the Holi Festival is celebrated on March 27.

Holi Celebration:

 Holi celebration takes place with lot of joy and verve throughout the country. The enthusiasm of the people reaches its peak and matches with the nature which is in full bounty at the time of Holi.

Holi is being celebrated in Indian since time 
immemorial but the popularity of Holi celebrations seems to be rising with every passing year and so is the level of hoo-ha. As no other festival gives so much liberty to the people to let their hair loose and enjoy their hidden crazy self.

Children particularly enjoy the festival as they throw water filled balloons at passersby...and if anybody stares..they have ready answer, 'Bura na mano Holi hai..' and evoke a smile on the irritated face. Besides, they have their water missiles, called pichkaris to drench the person from far and escape further drenching.


The festival of Holi can be regarded as a celebration of the Colors of Unity & Brotherhood
an opportunity to forget all differences
It has traditionally been celebrated in high spirit without any distinction of cast, creed, color, race, status or sex.

¡The color, noise and entertainment that accompanies the celebration of Holi bears witness to a feeling of oneness and sense of brotherhood. The festival brings home the lesson of spiritual and social harmony!

On the evening of the first day of Holi, they hold the public bonfire called Holika Dahan. Hindu boys bring firewood to the bonfire and light it between 10:00 PM and the rising of the moon. Everyone gathers around the fire and shout, curse, and to some, create general mayhem.